Friday, December 30, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之九 (系列完)

我是線上《牛津詞典》專業版 (Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

前八批 (之一~之八) 介紹了按字母順序的頭 40 個,這次介紹最後一批的 5 個。請注意,這裡的《牛津詞典》不是史上最大的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary),而是以《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 為骨幹,兼納《新牛津美國詞典》(New Oxford American Dictionary) 數位化而成。名字過份類似,的確令人混淆。

41. tour de stade /ˈto͝or də ˈstäd, -ˈstad/ (在體育場) 跑階梯 noun (plural tours de stade pronunc. same or /ˈto͝orz/)
定義:an exercise session in which a person runs up and down every section of steps in a stadium.
例句:I'll have to do many "tours de stade" to burn it all off!
詞源:French, literally 'tour of the stadium'

42. traceur /ˈtreɪsə, traˈsəː/ 跑酷運動者 noun
定義:a person who takes part in the activity of parkour or free running.
例句:Railings, walls, stairs, benches, bollards, and concrete structures are all there to be conquered, say the traceurs.
詞源:early 21st century: French, literally 'tracer'

43. WAHM 在家工作的媽媽 abbreviation
定義:work-at-home mom (or mother).
例句:Thus, I became a WAHM (work-at-home mom) and though the WAHM gig has been the most challenging thing I have ever done, it has been the most worth it.

44. wild swimming 野外游泳 noun [mass noun]
定義:the practice or activity of swimming for pleasure in natural waters, typically rivers and lakes.
例句:There's something exhilarating about wild swimming that makes the skin tingle, blows away the cobwebs and cleanses right to the very core.

45. 2.0 /tuː pɔɪnt ˈəʊ/ 二點零的 adjective [postpositive]
定義:used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept, product, service , etc.
例句:Welcome to Big Government 2.0.
詞源:early 21st century: from WEB 2.0

Thursday, December 29, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之八

我是線上《牛津詞典》專業版 (Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

前七批 (之一~之七) 介紹了按字母順序的頭 35 個,這次介紹第八批再次的 5 個。請注意,這裡的《牛津詞典》不是史上最大的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary),而是以《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 為骨幹,兼納《新牛津美國詞典》(New Oxford American Dictionary) 數位化而成。名字過份類似,的確令人混淆。

36. slacktivism /ˈslaktɪvɪz(ə)m/ 懶人行動主義 (also slactivism) noun [mass noun] informal
定義:actions performed via the Internet in support of a political or social cause but regarded asrequiring little time or involvement, e.g. signing an online petition or joining a campaign group on a social networking website.
例句:Such email alerts make slacktivism easy.
詞源:由 slacker "懶人" 和 activism "行動主義" 混成

37. smart tag 智慧標籤 (一種有嵌入式無線射頻識別的電子標籤裝置) noun
定義:an electronic tag with an embedded RFID device, attached to an object for the purposes of tracking or storing data relating to its use.
例句:The battery-operated smart tags rely on cellphone technology to send information back to MIT computers, allowing researchers - and the public - to monitor the trash in real-time as it moves through the waste stream to its final destination.

38. snark /snɑːk/ 諷刺挖苦 informal, chiefly North American verb [no object]
定義:make snide and sharply critical comments.
例句:They even snark about her family background
noun [mass noun] 諷刺挖苦
定義:snide and sharply critical comments.

例句:A worthwhile blog cannot live on snark alone.
詞源:mid 19th century: originally in the dialect senses 'snore, snort', 'find fault'

39. sock puppet n. 1. 定義:a simple hand puppet made from a sock 襪子木偶
例句:When you were a young kid, did you ever play with sock puppets?
2. 定義:a person whose actions are controlled by another 傀儡
例句:A brainless sock puppet who only knows what to say because his handlers feed him his lines.
3. 定義:a false online identity, typically created by a person or group in order to promote their own opinions or views 網上假名;"馬甲"
例句:Both sides in the debate use sock puppets to make it seem as if scores of people are arguing a point

40. stitch and bitch noun [usually as modifier] (邊打毛線邊閒聊的) 毛線會
定義:a social gathering during which the participants chat or gossip while engaging in knitting or needlework.
例句:Her grand designs for the shop involve a trendy makeover and the introduction of a Tuesday night stitch-and-bitch session.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之七

我是線上《牛津詞典》專業版 (Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

前六批 (之一~之六) 介紹了按字母順序的頭 30 個,這次介紹第七批再次的 5 個。請注意,這裡的《牛津詞典》不是史上最大的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary),而是以《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 為骨幹,兼納《新牛津美國詞典》(New Oxford American Dictionary) 數位化而成。名字過份類似,的確令人混淆。

31. mathlete /ˈmaθliːt/ (參加數學競賽的) 數學選手 noun
定義:a person who takes part in a mathematics competition, typically one organized for schoolchildren.
例句:As with other mathletes, he spends up to four hours a day on his hobby—or what he simply calls his 'calculations'.
詞源:1930s: blend of MATHEMATICS (or MATH) and ATHLETE

32. metamaterial /ˈmɛtəməˌtɪərɪəl/ 超材料 noun Physics
定義:a synthetic composite material with a structure such that it exhibits properties not usually found in natural materials, especially a negative refractive index.
例句:The team began making these metamaterials and demonstrated several that scattered electromagnetic waves unlike any known materials.

33. microgeneration /ˌmʌɪkrə(ʊ)dʒɛnəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ 微型發電 noun [mass noun]
定義:the generation of electricity or heat on a small scale, typically for domestic use and by methods that do not contribute to the depletion of natural resources, such as solar panels.
例句:It was good news to hear that new buildings will have to cover 15% of their carbon emission through design and microgeneration.
衍生詞microgenerate 微型發電 verb

34. petrichor /ˈpɛtrʌɪkɔː/ 雨後泥土香 noun [mass noun]
定義:a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.
例句:Other than the petrichor emanating from the rapidly drying grass, there was not a trace of evidence that it had rained at all.
詞源:1960s: blend of PETRO- 'relating to rocks' (the smell is believed to be caused by a liquid mixture of organic compounds which collects in the ground) and ICHOR "希臘神祇血管中的靈液"

35. SAHM 家庭主婦 abbreviation
定義:stay-at-home mom (or mother).
例句:My own mother was a SAHM and I love her for it.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之六

我是線上《牛津詞典》專業版 (Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

前五批 (之一~之五) 介紹了按字母順序的頭 25 個,這次介紹第六批再次的 5 個。請注意,這裡的《牛津詞典》不是史上最大的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary),而是以《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 為骨幹,兼納《新牛津美國詞典》(New Oxford American Dictionary) 數位化而成。名字過份類似,的確令人混淆。

26. griefer /ˈgri:fə/ (線上遊戲的) 惡搞王 noun informal
定義:(in an online game or community) a person who harasses or deliberately provokes other playersor members in order to spoil their enjoyment.
例句:A class of entrepreneurs is emerging who see griefers not just as an annoyance but as a potential source of lost revenue.
衍生詞griefing (線上遊戲的) 惡搞 noun

27. helicopter parent 直升機家長 noun informal
定義:a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children.
例句:Some college officials see all this as the behaviour of an overindulged generation, raised by helicopter parents and lacking in resilience.
詞源:1980s: from the notion of the parent 'hovering' over the child or children
衍生詞helicopter parenting 作直升機家長 noun

28. incent /ɪnˈsɛnt/ 獎勵;提供誘因 verb [with object] chiefly US
定義:provide with an incentive.
例句:It makes sense for the government to incent people to invest in research and development.
詞源:mid 19th century: back-formation from INCENTIVE

29. linkbait /ˈlɪŋkbeɪt/ 鏈接誘餌 noun [mass noun]
定義:(on a website) content designed to attract attention and encourage those viewing it to create hyperlinks to the site, with the aim of improving the site's position on the list of results returnedby a search engine.
例句:At first, he tried creating linkbait to get his site noticed.

30. live blog 部落格直播;微博直播 noun
定義:a blog or microblog providing a commentary on an event as it takes place.
例句:Welcome to our live blog of the Essendon v Adelaide match.
(live-blog) [with object]
定義:update a blog or microblog with commentary on (an event) as it takes place.
例句:The Wall Street Journal live-blogged the launch.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Twelve Days of Chrsitmas: 奇樂共欣賞

今天是聖誕節。這幾天聖誕音樂滿天飛,都很耳熟,也都很好聽,不過不知怎麼的,卻突然讓我想起了以前在台大念大一上英聽課時,英聽老師讓我們聽的一首歌,Twelve Days of Christmas。

這首歌很有趣,有點像是歌曲的繞口令,從聖誕節第一天、情人送一隻梨樹上的鷓鴣 (partridge) 開始唱起,第二天送兩隻斑鳩 (turtledove) 加第一天的一隻鷓鴣,第三天送三隻法國母雞 (French hen) 加第二天的兩隻斑鳩和第一天的一隻鷓鴣,這樣不斷地累加到第十二天為止。包含的禮物除了梨樹上的鷓鴣、斑鳩、法國母雞之外,還有啼叫的鳥、下蛋的鵝、游水的天鵝、擠牛奶的女僕、跳舞的貴婦、蹦跳的貴族、吹笛的笛手、打鼓的鼓手、以及最高潮的五只金戒指。


內人問我聖誕節送什麼禮物給她,我支吾其詞,顧左右而言其他。我介紹她這首有趣的聖誕歌曲,她聽到第五天是五只金戒指時,眼睛為之一亮,嘴角露出新月般的笑容。哈哈,今天是 25 號第一天,我們在聖誕節的第五天 (29 號),就一起到銀樓去看看嘍。

Saturday, December 24, 2011




鄭老師這些日子人回到台灣,他昔時的門生有 25 人在此,其中有 16 人齊聚台北請他吃飯,正好給今天過生日的他慶生。學長姐、學弟妹久沒見面,氣氛超嗨,我也趁著興頭上,拿出準備好的精緻簽名簿,請我的恩師簽名。鄭老師應了我的請求,在簽名簿上幫我題字,寫下了 "學業猛進" 四個字。


Merry Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Frohe Weihnachten! Buon Natale! 聖誕快樂!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之五

我是線上《牛津詞典》專業版 (Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

前四批 (之一、之二、之三、之四) 介紹了按字母順序的頭 20 個,這次介紹第五批再次的 5 個。請注意,這裡的《牛津詞典》不是史上最大的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary),而是以《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 為骨幹,兼納《新牛津美國詞典》(New Oxford American Dictionary) 數位化而成。名字過份類似,的確令人混淆。

21. flame war 網路論戰 noun informal
定義:a lengthy exchange of angry or abusive messages between users of an Internet message board or forum.
例句:When people engage in flame wars, they often do battle from behind the cloak of anonymity.

22. gladiator sandal 羅馬鞋 noun
定義:an open-toed T-bar sandal with multiple straps running across the foot in a style designed to resemble that of the footwear of ancient Roman gladiators.
例句:The writing is on the wall: the flip-flop is dead, for the gladiator sandal has taken over the world.

23. glocal /ˈgləʊk(ə)l / 全球在地化的 adjective
定義:reflecting or characterized by both local and global considerations.
例句:In the Web 2.0 era, every public institution has already been transformed into a glocal enterprise.
詞源:詞典未提供,但應是由 global 與 local 混成。

24. God particle 上帝粒子 noun
定義:an informal name for the Higgs boson [按:希格斯玻色子] or particle.
例句:The questions won't change and the physicists will never discover the God particle.
詞源:1990s: from The God Particle, the title of a book on the Higgs boson by the American physicist Leon M. Lederman (b. 1922).

25. gold farming (線上遊戲的) 打錢 noun [mass noun]
定義:(in the context of online gaming) the practice of playing a game intensively so as to amass stocks of the game's virtual currency or other valuable items used in the game, which can then be sold to other players for real money.
例句:In just a few years gold farming has become a vast enterprise.
衍生詞gold farmer 打錢工作者 noun

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之四

我是線上《牛津詞典》專業版 (Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

前三批 (之一、之二、之三) 介紹了按字母順序的頭 15 個,這次介紹第四批再次的 5 個。請注意,這裡的《牛津詞典》不是史上最大的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary),而是以《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 為骨幹,兼納《新牛津美國詞典》(New Oxford American Dictionary) 數位化而成。名字過份類似,的確令人混淆。

16. eco-fashion /ˈi:kəʊˌfaʃ(ə)n/ 生態時尚 noun [mass noun]
定義:clothing and other goods produced by methods that are not harmful to the environment, e.g. using materials that have been recycled or that have been grown without the use of pesticides.
例句:[as modifier] Her collection combines ethical concerns with beautifully structured pieces and is garnering plaudits from fashion insiders and eco-fashion enthusiasts.

17. electronic signature 電子簽名 noun Computing
定義:symbols or other data in digital form attached to an electronically transmitted document as verification of the sender's intent to sign the document.
例句:The new rules will make electronic signatures acceptable and speed up the application process.

18. exploding offer (對求職者的) 限時回覆 noun
定義:a job offer that is retracted if not accepted within a very short period of time.
例句:They can't get first-rate students unless they use pressure tactics like exploding offers.

19. feed-in tariff (對自行發電者政府所給的) 回饋金 noun chiefly British
定義:a payment made to households or businesses generating their own electricity through the use of methods that do not contribute to the depletion of natural resources, proportional to the amount of power generated.
例句:Under the German system of "feed-in tariffs", anyone generating electricity from solar panels, wind or hydro is guaranteed a payment of four times the market rate for 20 years.

20. fish pedicure 溫泉魚療 noun
定義:a cosmetic treatment in which one places one's feet in a tank containing small fish which nibble away dead or calloused skin on the feet.
例句:Apparently, fish pedicures are the latest rage.

Friday, December 16, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之三

我是線上《牛津詞典》專業版 (Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

前兩批 (之一、之二) 介紹了按字母順序的頭 10 個,這次介紹第三批再次的 5 個。請注意,這裡的《牛津詞典》不是史上最大的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary),而是以《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 為骨幹,兼納《新牛津美國詞典》(New Oxford American Dictionary) 數位化而成。名字過份類似,的確令人混淆。

11. crowdfunding /ˈkraʊdfʌndɪŋ/ 小額募款 noun

定義:the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet

例句:Musicians, filmmakers, and artists have successfully raised funds and fostered awareness through crowdfunding.

衍生詞crowdfunded adjective 小額募款的

12. dark tourism 黑色旅遊 noun [mass noun]
定義:tourism that involves travelling to places associated with death and suffering
例句:He's planning a project on dark tourism, documenting the increasing popularity of morbid landmarks around the world.

衍生詞dark tourist noun 黑色旅遊者

13. distracted driving 分心駕駛 noun

定義:the practice of driving a motor vehicle while engaged in another activity, typically one that involves the use of a cellular phone or other electronic device

例句:AAA now says that distracted driving accounts for 25 to 50 percent of all accidents.

衍生詞distracted driver noun 分心駕駛(者)

14. distraction burglary 藉口行竊 noun British
定義:an instance of gaining access to a property under false pretences, with the intention of committing theft

例句:Two thieves pretending to be from the Water Board have carried out a string of distraction burglaries in the area.

衍生詞distraction burglar noun 藉口行竊者

15. duology /dju:ˈɒlədʒi/ 二部曲 noun (plural duologies)

定義:a pair of related novels, plays, or films

例句:Duologies are a rare occurrence in horror as well as film in general.

詞源:mid 19th century: from DUO- 'two', on the pattern of TRILOGY

Thursday, December 15, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之二

我是線上《牛津詞典》專業版 (Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

上一批 (之一) 介紹了按字母順序的頭 5 個,這次介紹第二批的次 5 個。請注意,這裡的《牛津詞典》不是史上最大的《牛津英語詞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary),而是以《英語牛津詞典》(Oxford Dictionary of English) 為骨幹,兼納《新牛津美國詞典》(New Oxford American Dictionary) 數位化而成。名字這樣令人混淆,牛津大學出版社是否該檢討一下?

6. born digital (文字、錄音)生而數位的;只有數位形式的 adjective 定義:denoting texts or recordings produced in digital form, rather than having been converted from print or analogue equivalents 例句:As research libraries are discovering, born-digital materials are more complicated and costly to preserve than anticipated.

7. cage diving 鋼籠潛水 noun [mass noun] 定義:the activity of being lowered into the sea in a protective steel cage in order to view sharks or other dangerous sea creatures at close range例句:An environmental scientist has warned that cage diving is teaching the sharks to associate humans with food. 衍生詞cage diver 鋼籠潛水員

8. carbon debt 碳債;碳負債 noun 定義:the imbalance between the carbon footprint of a particular country, group, person, etc. and any carbon offsetting that has been agreed or undertaken to counteract this 例句:Burning biomass releases carbon dioxide instantly, while repaying that carbon debt through newtree growth takes years.

9. chemtrail /ˈkɛmtreɪl/ (飛機的)化學凝結尾 noun 定義:a visible trail left in the sky by an aircraft and believed by some to consist of chemical or biological agents released as part of a covert operation, rather than the condensed water of a vapour trail 例句:Conspiracy theorists have been going wild with speculation over the nature and purpose of chemtrails. [詞源:1990s: blend of chemical and trail, on the pattern of contrail]

10. corporatocracy /ˌkôrpərəˈtäkrəsē/ 公司王國 noun (plural corporatocracies) 定義:a society or system that is governed or controlled by corporations 例句:In this age of corporatocracies, the money goes not to the inventor, but to the company. [詞源:未提供,但應是 corporation "公司" 與 -ocracy "統治" 縮合而成]

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 最近的新詞:之一

我是線上《牛津詞典專業版》(Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的訂戶,最近注意到網站發布了最新一季的新詞。這一季的新詞共有 45 個,我分批介紹,並加註了自己的翻譯和眉批,附上詞典所提供的例句一條和詞源 (若有),以饗格友。

1. affogato /afə'gɑːtəʊ/ 阿法奇朵 [冰淇淋上面加上義式濃縮咖啡] noun (plural affogatos) 定義:an Italian dessert consisting of vanilla ice cream topped with a shot of espresso coffee. 例句:The affogato was to die for, with the bitter espresso perfectly complementing the sweet ice cream. [Origin: Italian, literally 'drowned', past participle of affogare 'to drown']

2. barbecue stopper 熱門話題 [按:話題非常熱門,熱門到不得不暫時放下手邊的烤肉] noun Australian informal 定義:a topic of conversation that is very interesting or controversial. 例句:Sibling rivalry is the new barbecue stopper—at least in my circles.

3. bibimbap /'biːbɪmbap/ 韓式拌飯 noun [mass noun] 定義:a Korean dish consisting of rice topped with sautéed vegetables, chilli paste, and beef or other meat, sometimes with the addition of a raw or fried egg. 例句:Also recommended were the tofu soup, the kimchi soup and a Korean speciality called bibimbap, a mixture of rice and seasoned meat, vegetables and egg. [Origin: Korean, literally 'mixed rice']

4. biochar /'bʌɪəʊtʃɑː/ 生物碳 noun [mass noun] 定義:charcoal produced from plant matter and stored in the soil as a means of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 例句:Three activities - no-till agriculture, biochar and more intensified livestock farming with reduced methane emissions - are likely to benefit from increased funding. [Origin: 1990s: blend of biomass and charcoal]

5. bloggy /'blɒgi/ 部落格式的;博客式的 adjective (bloggier, bloggiest) informal 定義:characteristic of a blog or blogs. 例句:A lot of the journalism is quite bloggy, with opinions rather than facts.

Friday, December 09, 2011


就是讚!聯合報甫由民眾票選產生今年台灣的年度代表字 "讚",雖是事後諸葛,不過這個結果讓人覺得毫不意外。

"讚" 這個方言詞彙因社群網站臉書 (Facebook) 的普及而廣為流傳,在台灣社會幾乎已經無孔不入,甚至還紅到大陸去。不只在虛擬世界左一個讚右一個讚,連大選將至、真實世界的文宣也是讚來讚去。這種積極的生活態度互相加乘,成就了這樣的結果。希望 "讚" 這個年度代表字再回過頭來反饋給國人,讓我們對自己更有信心,對他人益加肯定,以正面樂觀的態度迎接未來的挑戰。

美國的時代雜誌 (Time) 也幾乎同時公布了今年的全球十大新聞,位居第一的是阿拉伯之春 (Arab Spring)。今年年初,阿拉伯世界爆發了一連串反政府的示威抗議活動,於突尼西亞、埃及開花結果,民眾的力量推翻了獨裁者數十年的統治。位居第五的利比亞強人格達費屈辱斃命,以及位居第六的敘利亞和葉門仍在苦等阿拉伯之春,也都直接與這位居第一的阿拉伯之春有關。

牛津詞典 (Oxford Dictionaries) 日前發佈了今年的年度詞彙 squeezed middle "受榨壓的中產階級",指的是在經濟困頓期間,明顯受到通貨膨漲、薪資凍結、公共支出刪減影響的部分社會大眾,主要是中低收入者。牛津詞典年度詞彙所代表的,是當年引起社會大量關注的議題,反映的是當下的社會脈動。時代雜誌遴選的 2011 年新聞之首 Arab Spring "阿拉伯之春",也在牛津詞典年度詞彙的決選名單之列,可見英雄所見略同,新聞與詞彙在此有了交集。

聯合報一年一度 "年度代表字" 的票選活動,鼓勵社會大眾積極參與,共同選出足以代表台灣這一年來的字,作法民主,立意良善。漢字精簡,但有時一個字可能失之單薄。時代雜誌的 Arab Spring、牛津詞典的 squeezed middle 也都不是獨立的單詞,而是全新的雙詞組合。上海知名的文匯新民聯合報業集團,每年總會從自己龐大的新聞資料庫裡過濾挑選,發布 24 個領域共計 240 個的年度 "中國流行語",而不是單一的年度流行語。這個清單涵蓋面極廣,除了一般的語文詞彙外,還有人名、地名、事件、專有名詞、名人名言、政策短句等等。

時代雜誌、牛津詞典、上海文匯報有不同的作法,各有所長,或可給下一屆的 "年度代表字" 做個參考。

Thursday, December 08, 2011

阿法奇朵 affogato: Oxford Dictionaries Pro 最新一季的新詞

下面的文章轉載自線上《牛津詞典專業版》(Oxford Dictionaries Pro) 的 〈牛津詞彙部落格〉OxfordWords blog,這些藍色的新詞都已經收錄到牛津詞典裡去了。值得注意的是,源自義大利文的冰淇淋咖啡 affogato "阿法奇朵" 正式進入英文,來自韓文的 bibimbap "韓式拌飯" 也被詞典所收,卻沒有來自中文的新詞。


This year’s momentous events have had an impact on the new additions to our online dictionary. Arab Spring, describing the series of anti-government uprisings in various countries in North Africa and the Middle East, is now included, as well as phone hacking, the scandal which caused a storm in the UK that reverberated all the way across the Atlantic. And environmental concerns continue to create new words and phrases from carbon debt and eco-activist to precycling and solar farm.

Now, at the risk of making your belly rumble with hunger, there have also been some tasty-sounding treats added to the dictionary such as affogato, doughnut hole, bibimbap, and red velvet cake. Food also features in a metaphorical sense with brain candy, popular entertainment that is not intellectually stimulating, and barbecue stopper, a topic of conversation that is very interesting or controversial.

Both e- and cyber- prefixes continue to be very productive, producing a plethora of new words from e-bike to cybersphere, as well as the more sinister cyberthreat and cybercrook. Other technological words which have also made their Oxford dictionary debut are linkbait, bloggy, flame war, and spammy (the junk email kind rather than the canned meat kind).

Various pastimes and activities are also represented in the new additions, with traceur (a person who takes part in parkour), wild swimming, and cage diving all featuring. Or perhaps you are more of a mathlete? Whatever your hobby choice, why not relax after a long and tiring day with a fish pedicure, or sit back and listen to your favourite guilty pleasure, dadrock. Or perhaps you prefer to spend your evenings taking part in some slacktivism or crowdfunding to raise money for your latest venture: let’s hope your friends and colleagues have deep pockets.

Monday, December 05, 2011




今天下午在 R 棟的九樓上課,趁著下課時間,在陽台上欣賞著這雲,這雨,發現雲雨台北也有她迷人的一面。



Saturday, December 03, 2011




後來進了家具店看看其他家具,又被她吸引了過去,在近距離觀賞體驗之後,終於付了錢把她帶走,放到自己的研究室 "不知漢齋",一嘗宿願,從此夜間時刻她總伴著我,度過了許多一個人的時光。



Friday, December 02, 2011





